A validator's status within the Cere network can be classified into three distinct categories: active, inactive, and waiting. This article delves into each of these statuses and offers guidance for a nominator on enhancing the likelihood of receiving staking rewards. The explanation uses the Cere Explorer.

Validator Status

When nominating a set of validators (up to 16 on Cere), the validator election algorithm will circulate your stake among validators on a per-era basis. In simpler terms, you may find a different active validator among your chosen validators for each era.


The term "active" refers to the validator you are presently nominating for the current era. Unless you are staking a significant amount, you will nominate a single validator in each era with your full stake. This particular validator will distribute rewards to you once the payout is triggered at the conclusion of that era.


Inactive validators are part of the active validator set and your nomination list, but you are not actively nominating them for this era (they are not active for you), and thus, they will not provide rewards for this era.

Should you encounter issues in receiving staking rewards, you can investigate the potential reasons in the article "Why am I not Getting Staking Rewards?".


The "waiting" status applies to validators that did not make it into the active validator set in this era. They might be included in the active validator set in the future.

It's worth noting that nominating waiting validators will not adversely affect your rewards, provided you have nominated at least one validator in the active set. Your stake will back one of the validators in the active validator set.