Production URL:

Community Portal: Cere Governance Quickstart Guide

Official Polkassembly Docs:

Referenda Logbook: ‣

Polkassembly is the governance forum for Cere network. The goal of Polkassembly is to enable hosting of a decentralized, transparent, and inclusive process for making decisions about the direction and development of the Cere network.

It is a platform where users can propose and vote on changes to the network, such as updates to the protocol, the addition of new features, or the allocation of funds.

Users who hold a certain amount of the platform's native cryptocurrency are eligible to participate in on-chain governance on Polkassembly by proposing and voting on proposals. This is done through on-chain voting, which means that the voting process is recorded on the blockchain and is transparent and verifiable.

Users can use their Polkadot{.js} extension to log in into Polkassembly to start interacting with the Network.




It is not possible to make proposals from Polkassembly, in order to learn how to create a proposal please refer to Creating a Democracy Proposal in Cere Explorer for further instruction.