To make changes to the Cere network, active token holders and the council collaborate to decide on a network upgrade. Proposals can come from either the public or the council, and are ultimately put to a vote by all token holders in a process called a Referendum. The weight of each vote is determined by a combination of the amount added and the conviction, or time period for which a user locks their funds.
Public proposals are called Democracy Proposals in Cere Governance, while Council Proposals are present in Council Motions and are tagged as Council. If the council votes on democracy proposals, they are categorized as Council, and if they vote on Treasury Proposal, they are categorized as Treasury.
More details on the voting process can be found in the Voting on a Referendum documentation.
In order to submit a proposal:
Now you should be able to see it in the “proposals” section! (Image-3)
To propose a referendum, deposit the minimum required amount of tokens for a certain period. If someone agrees with the proposal, they can endorse it by depositing the same amount of tokens.
The proposal with the highest amount of bonded support will be selected to become a referendum in the next voting cycle. Note that the amount of bonded support may differ from the number of endorsements; for instance, three accounts bonding 20 tokens each carry more weight than ten accounts bonding a single token each.
The bonded tokens will be released once the proposal is tabled or brought to a vote. Keep in mind that there can be no more than 100 public proposals in the queue, and once the council accepts a Democracy Proposal, it becomes a Referendum.
Here are the steps for endorsing a democracy proposal created by a community member:
button to indicate your support for the proposal.For Testnet / Devnet only, it is possible to cancel an active democracy using the following method, which can be found under the Developer tab in Cere Explorersudo -> democracy -> clearPublicProposals