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Dev Lead: @Jakub Gil

Wiki: 42 Hackathon - Conversation Analytics Wiki

Front end application: https://conversation-detection.stage.cere.io/

Git repository: https://github.com/cere-io/42-hackathon-nlp-llm-conversation-analytics

Tech Summary:


This CEF.ai Prototype is an AI-powered conversation analysis system designed to process, structure, and analyze large-scale messaging data from communication platforms like Whatsapp groups, and Telegram groups.

The goal is to transform community discussions from a sea of messages into clear, actionable insights, e.g. what a community is talking about, who are key contributors, and what topics drive the most engagement - all in (near) real-time.

Goal/Values For Hackathon:

🕵️ Agent Deploy/Test/Experimentation Execution Logs