
This section provides an understanding of how staking with multiple validators works on Cere, emphasizing that typically only a single validator is actively nominated in each era.

How Does Staking Work on Cere?

As a nominator on Cere, you can nominate multiple validators. However, the Nominated Proof of Staking (NPoS) system on Cere allocates your stake to the active validators of the next era at the conclusion of each era.

Will My Stake Be Equally Distributed Among Validators?

Unless you are staking a significant amount, you will usually be actively nominating only one validator with your entire stake in each era, receiving rewards from that specific validator. Other validators you've chosen will be either inactive or waiting.

Where Can I View My Nominations?

You can view your nominations under "Network" > "Staking" > "Accounts" on Cere Explorer.