💎 Goal

Update Cere Validator Client Node to latest version on Mainnet and verify it works as expected in production.

👨🏿‍💻How to update node client

💡 Read the entire instructions before starting. Ask questions in #mainnet-updates.

0️⃣ Before you start

  1. Connect to your node
  2. Write down the current block number

1️⃣ Update

  1. Connect to your host

  2. If you are using the official installation scripts, in order to update node client you should:

    1. Switch to the directory with scripts
    2. Pull the latest changes for master branch. Command: git pull
    3. Restart the docker container. Command: docker-compose --env-file ./configs/.env.mainnet up -d add_validation_node_custom
    4. Jump to point #4

    NOTE: if you created a custom branch don't forget to merge master into it before step 2c.

  3. If you are not using the official installation scripts, in order to update node client you should:

    1. Update image version for node to v2.34.0 in your config
    2. Update boot node parameters in your config to some of these or any other active nodes:
    3. Restart the docker container.
IP IDENTIFIER 12D3KooWEM6F6DBz3xy4rX9SkcQkxiXLj4ADusjwjMnV15FJBhu8 12D3KooWBzkimza1afgjF9H9qcJZJ46CQ1vY97JAUrkgPxCtzMKj
  1. Check that image has been changed to v2.34.0 using docker ps
  2. Done!

2️⃣ Verify the update has finished successfully

  1. Connect to your node with Cere Explorer.

  2. Confirm that block number is increasing in the left top corner.

  3. Done!

🗂️ Archive Nodes

To update your Archive Node, please follow the instruction for standard node update, but restart the docker container with the following command: