This article explains how you can use the Validators tab of the Staking Dashboard to see all validators and add the ones you like to the Favorites tab.

Validators tab

Here you can see all the validators on the network. At the top of the page, you can see the network validator stats. Below you can order validators from the lowest to the highest commission by clicking "Lowest commission" and filter them based on several criteria:

Below the filters, you can see all the validators matching your criteria. You can click "Next" and "Prev" to go to other pages. For each validator, you can see:

A warning sign indicates that a validator is oversubscribed. The minimum stake required to earn rewards with this validator is next to the warning.

Favorites tab

Here you can see all the validators you marked with a heart on the Validators or Community tabs. You can remove a validator from Favorites by clicking the heart icon again. When nominating, you can select the validators from the ones in this ****tab. For each validator, you can see the same information as on the Validators tab.