The mnemonic phrase is the key to your account. If you lose access to your account (e.g., you forget the password), you can always restore it with the mnemonic phrase. Each mnemonic phrase generates a unique account, so you cannot change it, unlike the password. It gives full access to your account to anyone who has it, so you need to keep it secret and safe. The mnemonic phrase is shown to you once when creating an account. Make sure to:
- Write your mnemonic phrase down on paper.
- Write all 12 or 24 words in the correct order. The same words in a different order won't restore your account.
- Make several copies of the mnemonic phrase in separate locations: e.g., one in your home safe and one in a safety deposit box at your bank.
- Protect your mnemonic phrase from physical damage, you can store it in a sealed plastic bag to prevent water damage, in a fireproof safe, etched in metal, etc.
- Do not store your mnemonic phrase on any electronic device. Do not store it on a USB drive, on your computer, on your phone, or in the cloud. ****Do not take screenshots or send it to yourself via email or messenger.