In this guide you will learn how to become a Cere Mainnet Blockchain Validator.

Pre Requirements

  1. Install Git
  2. Install Docker
  3. Install Docker Compose 1.25.0+
  4. Install & Configure Network Time Protocol (NTP) Client - Linux only

Start a Node

To run a Node on your host, please follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository and go to its folder: ****
**git clone <> 
cd nodes-installation-scripts**
  1. Add permissions to the chain-data folder: ****
**chmod -R 777 ./chain-data**
  1. Open the following ports in your firewall so that inbound traffic from the Internet can reach your Node:
    1. Validator Node:
      1. 30333 - Specifies the port that your node will listen for p2p traffic on
    2. Full / Archive Node:
      1. 9933 - Specifies the port that your node will listen for incoming RPC traffic on
      2. 9944 - Specifies the port that your node will listen for incoming WebSocket traffic on
      3. 30333 - Specifies the port that your node will listen for p2p traffic on
  2. Select the config file depending on the Network you are going to connect to.
    1. For Testnet CONFIG_FILE=./configs/.env.testnet
    2. For Mainnet CONFIG_FILE=./configs/.env.mainnet
  3. Specify NODE_NAME parameter in the config file. The value for the NODE_NAME will be used to distinguish nodes in the Telemetry dashboard.
  4. Run the command to start a Node. From this moment your Node will run in the background.
    1. Validator Node: ****
**docker-compose --env-file ${CONFIG_FILE} up -d add_validation_node_custom**
2. Full Node: ****
**docker-compose --env-file ${CONFIG_FILE} up -d full_node**
3. Archive Node: ****
**docker-compose --env-file ${CONFIG_FILE} up -d archive_node**
  1. Run the command to confirm the Node has been started successfully. ****
**docker-compose logs -f | grep "Local node identity is"**

You should have at least one line in the output. Below is an example: ****

Mar 03 14:42:23.973 INFO Local node identity is: 12D3K...Ji7Rdz (legacy representation: 12D3Ko...Ji7Rdz)

If you cannot see the output in more than 2 minutes you should check node logs. Use the how to check node log instructions to know more about node logs and their set-up. 8. Launch Cere Explorer and connect to your node. You can check the Node's syncing status. To do this go to Network -> Explorer -> Node info. It should be equal to yes or no (synced already).

Congratulations! You've successfully started a Node on your host.

Please, follow the "Become a Validator or Full / Archive Node" instructions to finish setting up.

Become a Validator

This section explains how to become a Validator.