NFT’s are created in Freeport. These NFT’s contain assets and these assets are stored on the decentralized storage network: Cere’s DDC.

Because these assets are encrypted, no one else can see them unless they have a valid key. This differs from other NFT platforms that use public storage solutions like IPFS. Once you have the link to that content, anyone can access the information/files.

The benefit of having your content encrypted is that Cere offers a very easy and efficient way to created gated content in a censorship resistant way. Add the power of automated royalties and you’ve got the perfect tool for content creators: DaVinci.

Configure your NFTs

In your account overview, you’ll now see your new NFT. Click on it to further configure your NFT for use.


The most important step is to add a price to your NFT, else it will not work properly in the CMS


Your NFT is now ready for use in the CMS.

<aside> 💡 Very important: at the time of writing, the price of an NFT can not be zero. If you don’t assign a value to an NFT, it will automatically showup as “sold out” in DaVinci.


DaVinci CMS: show your NFT to the world

Once your NFT(s) are created in Freeport, it’s time to show them to the rest of the world using DaVinci and the CMS system.

You’ll find the CMS system at and it’s a complete web 2 experience. No wallet required.

CMS: Tips & trics

Add creator to CMS

  1. First thing we do is add a creator, which is done in the Creators menu. Next we click “Add new creators” in the top right corner:


  2. Fill in the required fields:

  3. Click save to save your progress and then “Publish” to make it public

  4. Check the result in DaVinci


Create exhibit in the CMS

Once we have a creator (artist, publisher, event, …), we can create and exhibit for this creator.

  1. Click on the Exhibits menu

  2. Click on “Add new exhibits” in the top right corner

  3. Link the new exhibit to a creator (on the right)


  4. Fill in all required fields:

  5. Check the result in DaVinci


Link NFT’s to CMS

Now we have our exhibit setup, we still need to tell the CMS what on-chain NFT’s we want to use. Remember: we created these NFT’s earlier in Freeport using our Metamask wallet. Because we need the ID of these NFT’s, we’ll first start in the Freeport app to get our ID:

  1. Go to Freeport in a new tab

  2. Login with Metamask

  3. Click on the user icon in the top right corner and choose “My account”

  4. Click on the NFT you want to link

  5. You can now see the NFT ID in the URL of the page


  6. Copy the ID from the page link

Now that we have our ID, we can go back to the CMS and link our NFT to the CMS.

  1. Click on the NFTs menu

  2. Click on “Add new NFTs” in the top right corner

  3. On the right side of the page, link our CMS NFT to our creator and to our Freeport NFT using the NFT id that you copied from Freeport


  4. Fill in all required fields:

    <aside> 💡 ** Assets & thumbnail are not required/it’ll save without. However: if you buy the NFT, the asset is what people will see and not the Card image. So if you don’t have an asset, it’ll be blank.


  5. Click Save

  6. Click Publish

  7. We can’t check the result in DaVinci yet, the NFT has to be linked to an Exhibit first (see next step)

Link NFT to exhibit using the CMS

All NFTs need to be linked to an exhibit in order to show up in DaVinci. We can do this by going back to the Exhibit page using the Exhibits menu.

  1. Search for the exhibit

  2. Click the edit icon


  3. Go to “Add NFTs to exhibit (0)” and click “+ ADD NEW ENTRY”

  4. Choose the NFT type:

    1. Select NFT by ID (or just search it by name)

    2. Click save

    3. Check the result in DaVinci by going to the exhibit or the creator page
