<aside> 1️⃣ Set-up new Cere Accounts & earn CERE Token. Start Mission 1.


Mission Objective

Developers! Are you looking to get started building and deploy apps and services on top of the Cere Network Blockchain and the new Decentralized Data Cloud storage protocol? Look no further! By the end of this exercise, you will have completed all the steps required to set-up your Cere Account, deposit some $CERE tokens and begin staking.

<aside> 📌 Cere Contributor’s only: Sign-up here



The first 128 Contributors each month to successfully complete this mission can earn 500 CERE Token.

Step 1: Set-up & fund your new Cere Accounts

Step 2: Complete the Accounts Onboarding Quiz

That’s it! A member of the the Cere Community team will reach out about your onboarding experience and clarify any final questions regarding the bounty reward distribution within 24-72h.

What’s next?

There are many paths forward from here. Which one you take, depends entirely on you: